August 14, 2024
This podcast explores the Regional Sustainment Framework initiative, a document aligned with the National Defense Strategy (NDS) and National Defense Industrial Strategy (NDIS) which aims to optimize regional Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (MRO). RSF was released in May 2024 by the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment, Dr. William A. LaPlante, and Assistant Secretary of Defense for Sustainment, Chris Lowman.
The podcast participants include Secretary Chris Lowman (OSD ASD-S), and MG Kris Nolbert (Polish Defense Attache, Polish Embassy to the US, Washington DC). The moderator for the podcast will be Peter Fuller, Managing Director, Cypress International.
December 12, 2023
This podcast will cover some details on the Navy CY23 Large Scale Exercise (LSE) and the associated lessons learned and potential opportunities for industry. This podcast was moderated by Jim McCarthy, Cypress VP for Naval Programs, and included participation from:
ADM Jamie Foggo, Former NAVEUR Commander
ADM Scott Swift, Former PACFLT Commander
October 16, 2023
In partnership with NDTA, this podcast focuses on Energy Resilience. It includes insights and commentary from both US Defense and Industry. Its moderator, Guy Beougher, poses questions concerning the future of Energy Resilience to three very qualified Defense and Industry Energy Experts. Together they have over 100 years of experience in the field of energy. Panel members include:
Senior Executive Dave Kless, Deputy Commander of Defense Logistics Agency - Energy
Mr. Todd Foley, Head of Government and Investor Relations, Zeta Energy
Mr Erik Limpeacher, Chief Innovations Officer, Mach Industries
Mr Ben Taylor, Product Manager, Independence Hydrogen
October 3, 2022
This podcast discusses the impact and motivation for the USMC transition that is being championed by GEN Berger, current Commandant of the Marine Corps, and examines the challenges facing the USMC in achieving the goals he has outlined for this effort. In addition, we examine the impact on Navy programming, fiscal & operational challenges included in the transition and the likelihood of Force Design 2030 surviving past the current Commandant’s tenure and becoming a truly foundational concept for the USMC.
This discussion is moderated by Cypress International’s Vice President for Naval Programs, Jim McCarthy, with participants VADM Bruce Lindsey, USN (Ret), and Maj. Gen. Steve Neary, USMC (Ret).
September 14, 2022
In partnership with NDIA, this podcast focuses on Sustainment in a Contested Environment. It includes insights and commentary from its moderator, SES retired Guy Beougher who will pose questions to four very qualified DoD and Service Logisticians. Together they have over 180 years of experience in the field of Sustainment and Logistics. Panel members include:
- Senior Executive John Hall, Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff, G4 United States Army
- Senior Executive Dee Reardon, Assistant Deputy Commandant, Installations & Logistics at HQ United States Marine Corps
- Senior Executive Kristin French, Deputy Director, Logistics Operation (J3), Defense Logistics Agency
- Senior Executive Kris O’Brien, Principal Deputy Director for Logistics, J4 Joint Staff
July 5, 2022
In partnership with NDIA, this podcast focuses on the PB23 DoD Climate Challenge Budget. It includes insights and commentary from its moderator, MG retired Brian Cummings who will pose questions to three very qualified Energy and Climate Challenge Experts in DoD and GSA. Together they have over 100 years of experience in the field of energy. Panel members include:
- Senior Executive Richard Kidd, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Environment and Energy Resilience
- Senior Executive Crystal Philcox, GSA Assistant Commissioner, Office of Travel, Transportation and Logistics
- Honorable Sharon Burke, Former Assistant Secretary of Defense for Operational Energy and President at Ecospherics
May 11, 2022
This podcast, in partnership with NDTA, will focus on the DoD and Joint Bulk Fuel Enterprise. It includes insights and commentary from its moderator, SES (retired) Guy Beougher who will pose questions to four very qualified Bulk Fuel Experts in the DoD Bulk Fuel Enterprise. Together they have over 150 years of experience in military and industry logistics operations. Panel members include:
- Senior Executive Dave Kless, Deputy Commander of DLA Energy, Former DLA J31 and former Navy Supply Officer, serving as the Supply Officer of the USS Nimitz
- Mr. Todd Cheney, Executive Director for DOD Fuels for Associated Energy Group, former Joint Staff J4 Joint Petroleum Officer
- Mr. Sean Thomas, Vice President, Crowley Government Services
- Major General (Retired) Ed Dorman, Vice President, Strategy and Business Development Government Solutions (US), World Fuel Services Corporation, former US CENTCOM J4 and ISAF J4
March 15, 2022
Cypress is honored to have the chance to discuss the perspectives of two leaders in this field with a special emphasis on the Undersea Warfare fight. ADM(Ret) Jamie Foggo and VADM (Ret) Bruce Lindsey lead the conversation moderated by John Newton, Director of US Navy Ship and Submarine Programs at Cypress.
Our CNO ADM Gilday tells us in his Navigation Plan “The U.S. Navy is America’s away team, and alongside our allies and partners, we defend freedom, preserve economic prosperity, and keep the seas open and free. Today, we are engaged in a long-term competition. China and Russia are rapidly modernizing their militaries to challenge the international order that has benefited so many for so long. To defend our Nation and interests around the globe, we must be prepared to flawlessly execute our Navy’s timeless roles of sea control and power projection. … we will generate decisive Integrated All-Domain Naval Power. There is no time to waste; our actions in this decade will set the maritime balance of power for the rest of the century.”
March 22, 2022
Cypress is honored to have the chance to discuss the perspectives of two leaders in this field with a special emphasis on the Undersea Warfare fight. ADM(Ret) Jamie Foggo and VADM (Ret) Bruce Lindsey lead the conversation moderated by John Newton, Director of US Navy Ship and Submarine Programs at Cypress.
Our CNO ADM Gilday tells us in his Navigation Plan “The U.S. Navy is America’s away team, and alongside our allies and partners, we defend freedom, preserve economic prosperity, and keep the seas open and free. Today, we are engaged in a long-term competition. China and Russia are rapidly modernizing their militaries to challenge the international order that has benefited so many for so long. To defend our Nation and interests around the globe, we must be prepared to flawlessly execute our Navy’s timeless roles of sea control and power projection. … we will generate decisive Integrated All-Domain Naval Power. There is no time to waste; our actions in this decade will set the maritime balance of power for the rest of the century.”
March 29, 2022
Cypress is honored to have the chance to discuss the perspectives of two leaders in this field with a special emphasis on the Undersea Warfare fight. ADM(Ret) Jamie Foggo and VADM (Ret) Bruce Lindsey lead the conversation moderated by John Newton, Director of US Navy Ship and Submarine Programs at Cypress.
Our CNO ADM Gilday tells us in his Navigation Plan “The U.S. Navy is America’s away team, and alongside our allies and partners, we defend freedom, preserve economic prosperity, and keep the seas open and free. Today, we are engaged in a long-term competition. China and Russia are rapidly modernizing their militaries to challenge the international order that has benefited so many for so long. To defend our Nation and interests around the globe, we must be prepared to flawlessly execute our Navy’s timeless roles of sea control and power projection. … we will generate decisive Integrated All-Domain Naval Power. There is no time to waste; our actions in this decade will set the maritime balance of power for the rest of the century.”
February 18, 2022
This podcast will focus on the Force Projection and Sustainment of US Forces in a Near Peer Competition. It includes insights and commentary from its moderator, SES (retired) Guy Beougher who will pose questions to two of the most well-known and qualified National Security Senior Logisticians:
- GEN (retired) Gus Perna, former COO of Operation Warp Speed and Commanding General of Army Material Command
- GEN (retired) Steve Lyons, former US TRANSCOM Commander and Joint Chief of Staff J4
December 20, 2021
This podcast focuses on the impact of the Russian buildup of forces on the border of Ukraine and Belarus – specifically assessing the likely diplomatic response from NATO and our Allies. We look at the potential triggers that might cause this to transition to military action, what that would mean for the US focus on the INDOPACIFIC region and how industry can align itself to support the US efforts both leading up to conflict and what actions would be necessary should conflict arise. Jim McCarthy, SES, USN (Ret.), former Assistant Deputy CNO, Integration of Capabilities and Resources (OPNAV N8B) and current VP of Naval Programs at Cypress International acts as moderator of the discussion. Guest speakers include:
- ADM Scott Swift, USN (Retired), former Commander, US Pacific Fleet
- ADM Jamie Foggo, USN (Retired), former Commander, US Naval Forces Europe/Africa and former Commander, US Sixth Fleet
The podcast addresses the causes leading to the current situation in Belarus and Ukraine, the likely objectives and motivations for Russia’s stance in the region, the diplomatic efforts associated with controlling this region and where and how this might turn into open conflict between Russia and NATO – including the impact such a conflict would have on US-China tensions in the South China Sea
December 3, 2021
This podcast is an introduction to Artificial Intelligence presented by Katharina McFarland, a Commissioner on the National Security Council's Commission on Artificial Intelligence. It is intended to provide an overview and engage the listener in the important dialogue ongoing globally on this technology. The listener is encouraged to go the the National Security Councils Artificial Intelligence Commission website to access the final report to learn more.
December 13, 2021
This podcast is a follow on podcast on AI which discusses the current and forecasted future of AI technology and broad and Defense specific use of AI. This Podcast is geared towards important steps, to include opportunities and challenges, that Industry should consider as it moves forward with the creation, adoption, and adaption of AI for themselves and sales.
August 13, 2021
This podcast will focus on Supply Chain Resiliency and the balance between efficiency and effectiveness with respect to readiness. It includes insights and commentary from It is moderated by Major General (retired) Brian McKiernan and includes insights and commentary from a number of experienced panel members, including:
- DCMA Director - Lieutenant General David Bassett
- Former Director of DLA and Vice of AMFC, Lieutenant General (retired) Andrew Busch
- Director of CJSL - Rear Admiral (retired) Larry Jackson
- Cypress VP of Federal and DoD Logistics, Supply Chain and Energy - Guy Beougher
August 5, 2021
This series focuses on what the Navy needs from industry to make the future Carrier Air Wing more effective in Distributed Maritime Operations (DMO). Jim McCarthy, SES, USN (Ret.), former Assistant Deputy CNO, Integration of Capabilities and Resources (OPNAV N8B) and current VP of Naval Programs at Cypress International acts as moderator of the discussion. Guest speakers include:
- ADM Scott Swift, USN (Retired), former Commander, US Pacific Fleet
- VADM Bruce Lindsey, USN (Retired), former Deputy Commander, US Fleet Forces Command, and former Commander, Naval Air Force Atlantic
Part I of this series includes topics such as the “why, how, and what” of building the future Carrier Air Wing, TACAIR Integration of USN and USMC (plus allies), the capability and capacity requirements within the strategic context and current budgets, and the current and future roles and missions of the nuclear aircraft carrier and of unmanned aircraft and the in future Carrier Air Wing.
August 5, 2021
This series focuses on what the Navy needs from industry to make the future Carrier Air Wing more effective in Distributed Maritime Operations (DMO). Jim McCarthy, SES, USN (Ret.), former Assistant Deputy CNO, Integration of Capabilities and Resources (OPNAV N8B) and current VP of Naval Programs at Cypress International acts as moderator of the discussion. Guest speakers include:
- ADM Scott Swift, USN (Retired), former Commander, US Pacific Fleet
- VADM Bruce Lindsey, USN (Retired), former Deputy Commander, US Fleet Forces Command, and former Commander, Naval Air Force Atlantic
Part II of this series picks up where Part I left off regarding the contributions and risks of current and future type/model/series aircraft in the Carrier Air Wing and autonomous systems, trust, and AI in the future Carrier Air Wing. The subsequent discussion centers around the role of innovation, ingenuity, and technology to drive down total ownership costs, the role of LVC training in building readiness and trust in autonomous systems, and the attributes of Naval DMO systems required to interoperate with the other services and contribute to SECDEF’s Integrated Deterrence mission.
May 27, 2021
This podcast series will focus on what the Navy needs from industry to help Unmanned Systems more effectively support the War Fighter in the evolving Distributed Maritime Operations (DMO) environment. Jim McCarthy, SES, USN (Ret.), former Assistant Deputy CNO, Integration of Capabilities and Resources (OPNAV N8B) and current VP of Naval Programs at Cypress International acts as moderator of the discussion. Guest speakers include:
- ADM Jamie Foggo, USN (Retired), former Commander of US Naval Forces Europe
- RADM Bob Girrier, USN (Retired), former Director Unmanned Systems on Chief of Naval Operations Staff
May 27, 2021
This podcast series will focus on what the Navy needs from industry to help Unmanned Systems more effectively support the War Fighter in the evolving Distributed Maritime Operations (DMO) environment. Jim McCarthy, SES, USN (Ret.), former Assistant Deputy CNO, Integration of Capabilities and Resources (OPNAV N8B) and current VP of Naval Programs at Cypress International acts as moderator of the discussion. Guest speakers include:
- ADM Jamie Foggo, USN (Retired), former Commander of US Naval Forces Europe
- RADM Bob Girrier, USN (Retired), former Director Unmanned Systems on Chief of Naval Operations Staff
May 27, 2021
This podcast series will focus on what the Navy needs from industry to help Unmanned Systems more effectively support the War Fighter in the evolving Distributed Maritime Operations (DMO) environment. Jim McCarthy, SES, USN (Ret.), former Assistant Deputy CNO, Integration of Capabilities and Resources (OPNAV N8B) and current VP of Naval Programs at Cypress International acts as moderator of the discussion. Guest speakers include:
- ADM Jamie Foggo, USN (Retired), former Commander of US Naval Forces Europe
- RADM Bob Girrier, USN (Retired), former Director Unmanned Systems on Chief of Naval Operations Staff